Venice: I spy with my little eye ...
... something that begins with "A"
The Accademia!
I have enjoyed taking photos of my feet in the picture. These are my way of taking a "selfie". The number of selfies and selfie sticks being pointed left right & centre in huge crowds poking and flashing away, doesn't give people the chance or the time to look down, to look up and soak it all in. It's a shame.
Have I already told you, correct me if I have, that I saw six people gliding by in the one Gondola all taking photos on their iPads, phones and other gadgets. Relax and enjoy the ride I say or we will never really capture the beauty and true essence of place.
Hang on to your hats:
Not far from here I found the "pigment" shop. Yes, I did purchase the most wonderful colours. I have chosen the pure pigments colours of Venice and the pure pigments colours of Venetian waters.
a m a z i n g
No this is not Cornelissen's of London but rather Pigments of Venice. I will be more than happy to give anyone the address.
This is all for now as my computer is dying. I have to find just the right outlet that will take the strangely shaped converter plus my heavy apple plug.
Watch this space.
looks like you are having a fantastic time in Venice.
Love your blog Gemma
Aussie Aileen