Peggy ...

... may you rest in peace ... and thank you!


 Okay, so I do take selfies ... but this is with my camera and I don't have a stick and I am on my own.

 Don't be shocked. This is Charles Pollock. Both of them.

I was excited to see and amazed to visit the Charles and Jackson Pollock retrospection at the Guggenheim.

If you don't know much about Charles Pollock, look him up.  Jackson of course has all the fame, was it because he died young?


kate adderley said…
Hi Gemma, lov'in your travel pics, selfies and even the pics of your feet- lol, those pigment colours are amazing, not that l know much about how they are used, but the most exciting news is l have booked and paid for your PURELY PENCILS WORKSHOP, The more l thought about it l just couldn't let this chance of doing a worksho with you pass by, for me this is a chance in a lifetime, l cannot always get to their new venue in Hawthorn and Port Melbourne is closer for me anyway, l have emailed Margaret Bugress about the Versal Workshop that you recently taught on your travels, that l would also like to do, if they can arrange something, anyway l cant wait for November and to get to meet you and have some fun learning more about letters and pencils, they are one of my favourite mediums to work with , which l use in my mixed media journals, so excited to learn more about them with you, happy travels and see you in November.........Kate
ronnie said…
many arty historians debate how much jackson was a product of krasner's savvy eye, guggenheim's market speculation and greenberg's spinning of americana propaganda (i.e. how much his fame was a manipulation..... ahhhh nothing changes in arrrrrt wot --- it's always about who you know....) --- but I've always fancied his works like 'lavender mist' and 'autumn rhythm' --- you know, the really abstract of the AE works --- there was a bravery and savagery in his best works.

as for charles..... his style was originally was nothing like his brother's, (indeed they had bang up fights about painting --- jackson always felt inferior and wanted to make his mummy proud) but after life magazine asked 'Is he the greatest living painter in the United States' it was almost an inevitability that big bro would follow in his little bro's style (albeit clunkily) and of course that jackson wouldn't live for long (because its better for investors that you are a dead artist than a messy live one...)

ahhhhh jackson.
Gemma Black said…

I agree re. Krasner's influence. Charles was also a calligrapher and published at least one writing manual that was on view at the Guggenheim. Very interesting and widely disciplined artist. x g
Gemma Black said…
Hello Kate,

Fabulous, I am so pleased that at last we shall meet and you will love the Pencils workshop. You managed to rearrange your diary, I am flattered.

Warm regards,
noelB said…
Just catching up (a bit) - so pleased to read your blog & its marvellous images - especially the colours/pigments from Venice! (yum!) & the Jackson brothers' works.
Off to bed

Warm regards,
Noel broomhall
Gemma Black said…
Hello Noel, thanks for popping in to my blog. I must say as wonderful as my northern summer tour was, it is so wonderful to be home and relaxing, exploring gathered ideas and experimenting in the studio. I have mixed all the Venetian pigments just waiting for a day or two for the refinement process to happen. Watch this space on that one. Keep in touch! x gb
Unknown said…
Love your photos Gemma.
But what's wrong with me . .in the Charles Pollock painting I see a man with a rifle?? . . .

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