Part One: Dallas Texas

The Renaissance Richardson Hotel, Dallas Texas Home of the Legacies II 2014 conference The Atrium Foyer Thank you Angie Vangalis Conference Director I was in Symphony 2, an appropriate room name don't you think? The brief was to teach versals from and historic perspective bringing them into a contemporary and freer setting. We studied forms from manuscripts such as the Metz Gospels, the Trinity Gospels, the Winchester Bible and so on moving forward through the ages to 20th century interpretations of those forms by the likes of Edward Johnston, Irene Wellington, David Jones and more. Vivacious Versals! My class participants worked hard on particularly difficult forms and I was very pleased with their outcomes and achievements. In class there was open communication, questions, demonstrations and huge effort on behalf of everyone. I think they all went away exhausted but happy. The day before the conference began Barb, ...