Buderim, beautiful Buderim

It was the Cnut Charter Hand I took to Buderim, QLD in April this year. A thoroughly enjoyable couple of days with the Craft Cottage Calligraphers. Eadvius Basan, scribe of Christ Church, Canterbury between 1012-1023, was well known for being the major scribe of the Arundel Psalter BL Ms. 115. Also for his work on at least one Charter of King Cnut, Ms.1003 as well as a number of others major works. The .pdf of my Cnut Charter Hand handouts is available for sale through PayPal for $20 EACH. Please contact me to request a purchase. Enjoy these samples from the workshop. Chay Decorative Capitals exemplar in use with Charter Hands Irene John Janine Susan Senātus Populusque Rōmānus The Senate and People of Rome -->