Be it ever so humble ...

... well considering many people around the world are no longer living in their homes having been driven out by war, greed and the inhumane amongst us ... home is not so humble really, is it.

Fortunately I have a healthy workshop schedule planned. Some of them are already listed on my website. If you would like a peek please feel free to visit them here. I am happy to discuss any of the workshop details, just contact me, you know where.

It is wonderful to be home!


kate adderley said…
Hi Gemma, so glad you are home safe and sound, and ready for the next adventure in workshops coming up, l'm so excited to be doing Purely Pencils, and learning from you, l do a little work with watercolour pencils in my art journal, but l always believe there is more to learn with any art and craft, l love working with pencils , they really are one of my favourite mediums, which l would love to know more about, it will be great to catch up, take care
Unknown said…
Oh! Your grandson is simply precious!!! and he looks delighted to have his Gramma back.
Many thanks for sharing your wondrous summer travels on your blog, it is was greatly appreciated.
My new philosophy: Make letters, not dinner.
Southern California

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