My last post to you was just under one month ago. What a time it has been. Work has taken a good part of my time with a major commission for the Australian Catholic University that saw me working pretty much right up to leaving the Island for mainland Australia. As Christmas drew closer and closer I will admit that I was feeling more and more guilty that I had not prepared our usual new year greeting card. Why is it we feel guilty that we haven't done something just because we have been under pressure to do something else? It is not that sending the cards to friends & family isn't important, it is. They just didn't get done. Perhaps I have made a rod for my on back by creating a hand designed card for the past thirty something years, having it printed, writing the inserts as well as calligraphic envelopes. 2015/2016 not a one was sent and the upshot of it is g u i l t . Strange phenomenon guilt. Notwithstanding, I/we (David & I) actually do wish