The Plan ...

Easter is almost upon us. Six documents have to be created for the federal government a.s.a.p. Each document is 38.5cm x 57.5cm. The information is embargoed, not because the documents are grand or flashy, they're not but rather because the Minister will make an announcement and nothing can be said before then. Anyway this is not the point of why I am writing. The point is how does one go about creating said documents in a very short timeframe when there are hours and hours of work to be done. The answer is all in The Plan ... I hope! And the plan is: v Tuesday (today): create first roughs and rule up the entire six documents – this is doable. v Wednesday: pen the main text block in a gorgeous specially mixed charcoal gouache on all six – oooo this may not be doable but I shall try if I get up at 6am v Thursday: design headings and pen on all six documents - achievable v Friday: paint six ti...