Townsville & David Jones

Bookmark mementos for the CSC class participants.

In-class sample - watercolour on an opaque watercolour ground.


My in-class demonstration - gouache, graphite and watercolour pencils on clear colourfix & opaque watercolour grounds.

My in-class demonstration - gouache & ink on a clear colourfix ground

The painted inscriptions of David Jones have fascinated me for years.  Creating replicas of the quirky letterforms used by David Jones and employing all his methods of creating grounds to work on in gouache, watercolours and ink.

The Coral Sea Calligraphers in Townsville have just spent the weekend with me, working together to fully understand and recreate these totally off the wall forms.  Many of the letters go against all our formal training in Roman Versals but the strength of his overall abstract design and placement lure me to study further the lettering of David Jones.


ronnie said…
these are gorgeous!

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