McGregor Summer School 2013

These are all tiny works. Some of the small calligraphic objects of desire that I will be using as samples for the 2013 McGregor School at the USQ Toowoomba in January. More to come.

In this ten-day workshop will be creating works that are elegant and small.  There will be an emphasis on very fine flourished Florentine writing with pen and ink along with very tiny-penciled Romans.

When we start our calligraphic journey our intention is to make beautiful letters. We engage in the discipline of mastering formal hands though we may lose the vitality and enthusiasm in our work. As a point of departure we will start with a flourished Italic and move towards creating dynamic lines of writing with teensy Roman capitals.  We will dare to move into unchartered waters and explore ways to invigorate our love for letters both well-structured and newly developed. Specifically our aim will be to gain mastery of our calligraphy & texts through small objects of desire.


I love the colours in these pieces- beautiful calligraphy work.

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