Wednesday June 1, 2016 USA Teaching Tour: Day One, Washington DC

My first day started with a spitting headache which is customary for me with the onset of jet-lag. The only way to deal with it is to fight it and fight hard. Dose up on tablets, drink a lot of safe water and get out into the fresh air and try and stay awake as long as possible. By day three of this procedure I am pretty much on the correct time.

Here are some of today's highlights. Day one proved to be a lot of fun with my friend Lydia.  It was hot and muggy but nothing a l'il old lass from Australia couldn't handle. We walked, walked and walked some more and ended up in the Wicked Waffle shop for a very late lunch.

Lydia an I met in Canberra when she was working with the US Embassy. We, along with a couple of close friends formed a friendship group back then, the Ya Ya's ... now known as the Ga Ga's because we have gone a bit ga ga. The beautiful Lydia who lives not too far from my hotel, managed successfully to keep me awake and my jet-lag at bay.

First things first ... up around the corner from the hotel is the White House. Not as big a home as one expects.  It was interesting to be able to see clearly the snipers on the roof, one of whom was well and truly focusing on his job. Nevertheless, I turned to have my touristy photograph taken ... thanks Lydia.

Then we went up to see "the big guy" as I overheard an American call him.

A B R A H A M    L I N C O L N

The Lincoln memorial was a cool refuge on our hot day of walking but notwithstanding the mood in the marbled hall was moving, sombre and reflective. I was of course interested in the carved statue as well as the carved letter-forms. The lettering on the columns of writing was poorly spaced yet somehow still beautiful to see.
 There were a lot of people there.

I am indebted to Lydia for a beautiful day and seeing me safely onto the metro
to travel north to Pennsylvania.

Enjoy these photos and I'll be back with more of days two, three & four at Sheila Waters' home.


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