Ghost Ranch & Santa Fe June 17 - 20

This is going to be a mixed bag I am afraid but a good bag. How interesting things are. I consider myself fortunate to be able to experience the things I do, I am eternally grateful to many.

It is a wonderful thing to teach at all and share ones experiences & experiments but to come to the other side of the world to teach is indeed a precious thing. My classes are hard work yet enjoyable for all … I hope and my Ghost Ranch Versal class members put in a huge effort. Here is a taster of just some of the marvellous work but there are too many to post them all.


Pencils including graphite: Louise

Gouache & Graphite: Cindy

Our show and share was much loved by all and Suzanne & Sharon worked hard all evening writing out names for the local punters. I just stood about enjoying all the artworks.  Ghost Ranch was an experience I am so very glad I undertook and one I shall do again some day.  I will leave you with the following piece of work by Thelma my 88 year old class participant. This, done in graphite:


This for you my friends Barry Smith & Fiona Dempster ... it made a wonderful sound. It stands at the bottom of Kitchen Mesa.

Today Trish took me into Santa Fe for the day. It was a day full of fascination.  On our way we stopped in MADrid as I wanted to pick up some glass and clay beads I didn't buy yesterday. 
The paths in MADrid are alive with colourful glass.

 Trish was very patient as I wandered through the Georgia O'Keeffe museum enjoying many of O'Keeffe's original artworks. Very impressive.

On Canyon Road

Doorway, Canyon Road.

And now for something completely different.

Our visit to Meow Wolf - the House of Eternal Return a unique art enterprise was seriously great fun. A weird and exciting new attraction in town.  When Trish asked me to follow her into the refrigerator I must say I hesitated somewhat.

Here I am in the Dive Hall.

And here is Trish coming out of the refrigerator - seriously !@#$%$#@!

Coming up: this and that and a trip to North Carolina.


Fiona Dempster said…
I have been enjoying the trip with you G - and such beautiful versals - sigh. I love the doorways too but oh that bell...yes she says! Maybe we could wangle something like it? Maybe...

continue to enjoy!
kate adderley said…
Love all your travel pic's Gemma, Your Students work is all wonderful, and the work from your 88yr old is amazing , Happy Travels

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