On Sunday morning before class I received news from David that Dorothy, his mother, had fallen, broken her hip and had a massive brain haemorrhage and was unconscious in Royal Hobart hospital. Subsequently Dorothy who had lived with us for the six months prior to going into care, died yesterday. Thankfully her time was short after such a horrid accident. I suggested while her last hours were ticking by that he play his cd's for her and when one finished the nurse said she struggled to indicate she wanted more. So she could hear. Slipping away to the dulcit tones of David's oboe was all we could offer her. VALE DOROTHY FRANCES NUTTALL I arrived in London after a smooth, picturesque and relatively short train trip from Cambridge. I am getting used to carting two+ months of clothes, my tools and student material around with me. Here in the back of the London cab. The Ridgemount Hotel is just perfect for someone like me who is looking for centra...