Honoured ...

You may have seen this earlier in the year ...

Last night this piece of work won the Kingborough Acquisition Art Prize.
I didn't find out until I walked into the show. It was opening night.
A wild, windy and horrid evening, I could not believe the crowd - huge.
I am delighted and very proud
that a piece of calligraphy has won a major multidisciplinary acquisition prize. 

My thanks go to the Kingborough Lions Club, the Kingborough Council where my work will hang,
the artists and the people who come and enjoy the show for the art.


kate adderley said…
Wow - Gemma, you must be so proud, YAY for you, what a great feelgood post and beautiful art.
calliglyphe said…
it's wonderfull
your work is magic...
Gemma Black said…
Thanks Kate. I really feel it is important to share exhibiting calligraphy in a multidisciplinary environment. I was tickled pink to be recognised such!
Gemma Black said…
Thank you for your kind words "calliglyphe"

x g

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