Happy New Year 2013

These words by Eleanor Roosevelt are what I wish for my friends each new year. 
I would like to share them with you and thank you for visiting my blog on a number of occasions. There will be much more calligraphy and artwork in the coming year to share with you.
300gsm coldpress Arches watercolour paper,
noodlers ink & metal nibs for both the ground and the calligraphy.

All the best ... until 2013


CJ Kennedy said…
A very lovely sentiment. Happy New Year to you.
ersimarina said…
Visiting your blog is always a pleasure. Thanks for the lovely message and a very happy new year to you!
Fiona Dempster said…
Best wishes for a happy, creative and peaceful 2013 G - travel safe.
rprAtleWonderful calligraphy, Gemma. Congratulations.

Ferdinandus., d.s.
Wonderful calligraphy, Gemma. Congratulations.
Ferdinandus, d.s.
Gemma Black said…
Thank you for your comments CJ, Ersi Marina, Fi & Ferdinandus. So far 2013 has been really lovely. I have taken to sketching and lose hours as I play with pen, pencil and wash. When I become really brave I may post some images here. x g

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