Upcoming Workshop!

Medieval illuminations in a contemporary setting.

Where I hear you ask: Artbeat Studio, Kingston Tasmania
When I hear you ask: November 17, 2012
And the time of the workshop will be 9.30am - 4.30pm
If you would like to enroll, email Jane Turner.
If you have further questions email me!


Fiona Dempster said…
Hi G - so great to see you teaching in Tasmania! I had a visitor at the OS from Hobart and I gave her all the details - she was totally excited to maybe do a course with you.
Gemma Black said…
Hello Fiona,

I hope the open studio went well! Yes, I am excited about my little classes here in Tasmania. I have liaised with Jane Turner from Artbeat and between us have organised a few classes to get started. This illumination one day workshop is suitable for anyone over fifteen. No experience necessary.

"Thank you" so very much for passing on the information to your OS visitor. x g

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