Calligraphy @ the NLA

There is something very special about viewing original manuscripts, old and not so old.
An oportunity to study the "real thing" is something so rare we grab it when we are able.

The National Library of Australia has made this possible for book lovers, calligraphers
and interested parties through their Handwritten exhibition.
Viewing the collection finishes on 18 March 2012. 

The National Library of Australia, Canberra Australia
Venue for the Illumination Workshop 19 February 2012

The NLA Foyer
... with a bookshop to lose yourself in ...

The plushest classroom I have ever taught in!
Eighteen participants fitted beautifully with room to move.

Before we got started outside my favourite stained glass windows.

My wonderful assistant on the day, Pamela Kemp!

My thanks to the Canberra Calligraphy Society and my fellow tutors Jill Robertson & Angela Hillier. Enormous thanks to Maureen Worsnop CCS Treasurer, for her tremendous monetary efforts,
Brendan Dahl from the National Library of Australia who made the day run brilliantly and all my diligent participants who had fun while learning lots about illuminated letters.

Sincere thanks to Pam for putting me up and putting up with me!

550 emails later ... phew ... I'm exhausted!


Gemma, after all these years I have found you! And you were in Canberra last month! I wonder what has happened to my serendipity? It must be out of synch, I'm sad to say.

A beautifully framed piece of your wonderful work hung in a Manuka cafe for some time and I was so determined to buy it. I was actually saving up. One day it was gone. Do you ever replicate or is everything a one-off piece? Can I commission another?

The quote was in Latin, something like: 'Writers write so posterity can learn.' There was gold ornamentation that looked so good.

Will you come to Canberra again some time? I would love to do your workshop.

With very very best wishes
(My blogger blogs:
Michele the Celebrant
Come to My Heart Garden)

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