Townsville - Calligraphy & Music

When David was invited to perform at the Australian Festival of Chamber Music, I contacted my friends in Townsville to say I may be coming and would they like a workshop of their choosing if I came too.  Delighted with the response from Sue, I ran a workshop called Layered Lettering which involved coloage & colour as well.  The group Coral Sea Calligraphers, who I have taught for before were just as lovely and responsive as always. And, from the first evening's "meet & greet at Isabelle & John's home, to the workshop itself at the Jame Cook University Art School, the Townsville hospitality was exceptional.

Rae Smith devoted a good deal of her time to entertaining me around the galleries, cafes, artists studios & shops and other places of interest.  I thank her for her time and energy ... we had a ball!!!!

The Australian Fesitval of Chamber Music excelled in fine musician and craftsmanship.  The performers and performances were marvelous.  From Bach in the Cathedral to Jazz on Magnetic Island with Sharny Russell & George Golla & David Nuttall's brilliant "Misty".  I am still coming down from the high this workshop and music experience has left me with.

Class Scene

Isabelle & Rae

Coral Sea Calligraphers

Rehearsing in the Catholic Cathedral, Townsville
Vernon, Louise, David & Simon


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