Summer School in Winter - SSiW

Colleen Little at work.

The Summer School in Winter was held in Melbourne, Australia late June, early July 2011. It is an annual international calligraphy event organised by the Calligraphy Society of Victoria.

The workshop I taught was called Come in out of the Cold: the role calligraphy plays in our lives. It was a three-day workshop specially designed for the CSV SSiW.  After discussion of the role calligraphy plays in our lives, the words we use, the colours we choose and how we present work we made connections both creatively and spiritually with the work so the true essence of what we wanted to say, visually, speaks profoundly.  It was a scary propostion to run such a workshop where the theme is one which you can't quite put your finger on but once you go through the process it all makes sense.  Well ... for my participants I hope it did!

The joy of Colleen's work.

"It won't hurt a bit!"

My Love!

I am very happy with my love.

The Summer School Tutoring Team: Annie, Colleen,Thomas, Eliza & Gemma

... and the two beautiful ladies who made it all happen: Lyne De Luca and Nicoll Heaslip


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