A culturally enjoyable day ... so far ...

My plan for the day was to start with listening to Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas whilst reading Sheila Waters' exquisitely designed manuscript of Under Milk Wood at the same time. As I thought, it was an all encompassing experience. We ... David and I ... sat back in our armchairs, legs outstretched and listened to the rich voices of Richard Burton, Hugh Griffiths, Richard Bebb and cast reading the play. We both enjoyed the visual images throughout the manuscript, the absolute ease at which we could read Sheila's specially designed Carolingian while enjoying the story as read to us.

This is not something that we usually plan in do in our frenetic worlds but it was a lovely and very enjoyable experience.

Sheila Waters Under Milk Wood manuscript: ISBN 0 9623131 0 6

My copy of Sheila’s manuscript I have had since 1991. The CD was given to us by our friend Duncan Abercromby, a Dylan Thomas fan who said we would enjoy the play. So David and I returned him the favour and gave him a copy of Sheila’s book.

Ahhhh … then we drove to the beautiful riversedge village of Franklin on the Huon and enjoyed lunch at a cafĂ© which opened only yesterday. It is called Riley’s, great taste and excellent value for money.  Along the way we visited the Church Studio, a visual and perfoming arts space in an old renovated Methodist Church.  I can see an exhibition forming in my head ... now that would be a real proactive thing to work towards!

An amazingly relaxing and feel good day … so far!


Gemma Black said…
Ah ... ronnie, I forgot to add another very interesting "come across" the Church Studio ... Every artists dream ... so I just added it! :-)
letterlady said…
What a great day! Good for you!
What a wonderful day! I think we should all 'schedule' Rich and Filling and Nourishing days like this one into our calendars. :)

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