A child's gift

In my work it is refreashing to revisit "simplicity". 
Here is a lovely little piece I did today for a soon-to-be six your old.
I loved this poem when I was a child and I still love it.
It is The End from Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne.

Schmincke gouache, metal nibs and a touch of gilding on Ormoline size.
I have kept the lines in the manner that they were originally written.


jgr said…
Hi Gemma,
Your work is beautiful! and I like the poem, too. Also I scrolled down to your Easter post--it's beyond words!
ronnie said…
my now semi-toothless six-yr-old gave you a gummy smile - I take it that means it passes her exacting standards...

nice to see some pure calligraphy kicking around int he blogosphere....
Gemma Black said…
oorrrr that's so sweet of your little one ronnie.

thanks for comments gals!
Fiona Dempster said…
It's a real sweetie -hope you had fun!

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