Something for all my artist friends and colleagues out there. I was originally alerted to this great site by Ken Munsie in Maleny Queensland who was inspired to spread the news by my friend Fiona Dempster also of Maleny Queensland. Too good not to share, enjoy!

23 Actions for BIG progress … from - ROCK YOUR ART CAREER by Alyson B. Stanfield

1. Date everything.
When you file something you have acted on, make a note on what you have done and don’t forget to date it. Ditto for dating your art. Memories fail so easily, and you want to be able to back up any claims with evidence.

3. Keep a journal.Capture your fleeting thoughts before they’re lost forever. Always carry a small notebook or recorder with you to record your brilliant moments. Journaling regularly about art, especially YOUR art, is one of the best exercises to prepare you for marketing. You need words to help you sell your art.

I suggest you might like to sign up for Alyson's newsletter to get the rest!


Signed up, Gemma! Thank you - this is fantasic (as you say, too good not to share). =)

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