Finished off yesterday ...

This one for a client

This "M" is for ... can't say, she doesn't know it's coming
so I had better not reveal the name. Later!
For all my illuminated letters I prepare a swatch of the materials as I use them. It is a safety net!  I have quite a few swatches that look terrific. One day I'll mat them all up and frame them.


ronnie said…
MMMMMMMMMMMM Juicy and delicious!
CJ Kennedy said…
I love the colors of the J.
I'm with RonRon.... these are YUMMY, Gem!
Gemma Black said…
Thank you gals for lovely comment. You know I enjoy doing these ill-letters :-) while I am doing them but I don't want to do them all the time. I am more of a thoroughly modern gal but some people just love these so I am happy to oblige. Especially when someone pays me for one of them - yippee!
I found a new blog ... let me put it up on the running sheet .... x gb
Gemma Black said…
Just waiting for permission to upload some interesting stuff ... waiting waiting waiting ...
Unknown said…
Beatiful rendering of Owen Jones' Alphabets.
Gemma Black said…
Thank you Fergus. I like Owen Jones' style. I use a variety of his letters often. Sometime I add in a bit of a twist of my own ... to complement one hopes.

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