From the garden

After a heavy night on the entertainment front, with all the neighbours at our place for a 5pm - 8pm cocktail party, the last neighbour left for home (next door) at 1.30am (eight hours of sipping and nibb ling on stuff) ... it is great to get out in the garden ... yummy! After being here for nearly 12 months, we thought it about time that we invited the neighbours in for a get to know you session.  Over to the drawing board for me ... ah,  peace, quiet, creativity ... sleep!


Yummy! (And yes, our street xmas parties tend to run into the wee small hours here too... though usually we don't last quite that long. [grin])
Gemma Black said…
The young lass at the local said 1.30am that's not late ... but when you start drinking and nibbling at 5pm ... it is! :-)

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