A special tribute to David upon retirement


American poet Ogden Nash wrote:
"The oboe’s a horn made of wood.
I’d play you a tune if I could,
But the reeds are a pain,
And the fingering’s insane.
It’s the ill wind that no one blows good."
And, the good fortune that has come our way is the one, the only, David Nuttall (aka The Oboe Player). After fifty something years of an extraordinary career Nuttall is hanging up the reeds as he retires from the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra. His final two concerts are this Friday evening and Saturday evening with Beethoven's Eighth Symphony followed by Beethoven's Seventh Symphony respectively. The seventh is my absolute favourite and in particular, the second movement.
A career is not about the final farewell but rather about the years and years of training, passion & devotion to one's craft. It's a continuing professional development and maintenance of the highest professional standards, abilities and performance not just musically but personally as well over all of those years.
Congratulations darling David on your brilliant and stellar career.


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