Sturt Summer School ... out and about

A sampler of student & my work from the 

Italian Hand & Ampersands of Bennardino Cataneo

Sturt Summer School

Mittagong NSW, Australia











 Class demonstrations

Table view

 ... too lovely not to show ...

An old stairway

  ... to show the way ...

Cataneo ligatures demonstration

Class demonstration

 My "island" Cataneo theme for the week. I am using "island" as my 2016 yearlong project theme in a collaborative group.

Thea - Printmaking class (Basil Hall)

Blocks - Printmaking Class

Shibori - Mahdi Chandler's class

Shibori - Mahdi Chandler's class


Frensham - the north-wing grounds.


The final evening "red" party. David, Alison & Basil.

What goes on at the summer school, stays at the summer school. And just as well judging by this photo that I took and I can't remember a thing about it. ;-)

 The start of the "red" evening. Drinks by the 200 year old tree.

 The oportunity doesn't come along very often so, whilst in the southern highlands I took some time out to visit my fathers grave in the Marist Brothers' Diamond Fields Road cemetery. An extraordinary & beautiful resting place.

 My father would have loved this grave stone.  A roughly hewn stone I designed for him.

 Such interesting patina on the old headstones. Celtic crosses, my favourites.

 I do hope I get the opportunity to teach here again.

T H E   E N D


Cathy Sayer said…
The work produced by the class is exquisite (of course the tutor's is good too :)). I bet you were pleased with the results Gemma. Let me know if you ever decide to run with this as a distance paid course, I'll be in.
Gemma Black said…
Thank you Ronnie & Cathy. I am really hoping to spend some time on my own work this year as my head is brimming with ideas and directions ... fingers crossed I can work to that end. x gb
kate adderley said…
Hi Gemma, this workshop looks fabulous , wished l had been there, the students work is so beautiful, is this the same class that you will running at csv in Oct........cheers kate
Gemma Black said…
Hi Kate,

Yes, but in a reduced capacity. I only have two days with the CSV and this was a five day workshop residential so much work was achieved in and out of class hours.

I am teaching two workshops (1 x 2 day & 1 x 4 day) at Halls Gap in September not Cataneo something different. Here is the URL if you are interested.
JS said…
It was a wonderful week - thank you again!

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