Grounds by the guidance class crew

My calligraphy guidance class crew had never created grounds before
so here you will see some of my demonstrations and some of their outcomes.  
This was one of the absolute best ways to spend time for all of us.

Paper taped, secure & ready to work upon.

 300gsm Arches cold-pressed (medium) watercolour paper.

 Stonehenge - tan

Masking fluid & rock salt

Can you believe it - never done grounds before!

Before ... 

... and after

Mushroom clouds and all . . .

Great results and a great deal of fun.  Well done guidance crew!


Cathy Sayer said…
Awesome work "Crew". High fives all around.
Fiona Dempster said…
So delicious Gemma! When I saw some of the images on FB I went looking for the 'love' button! Congrats to all - and there's no stopping them now! Apologies for a multiplicity of exclamation marks...but i do love them!
Gemma Black said…
Thank you Cathy and thank you Fiona. Seriously, the crew were on a high. It was so very refreshing.

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