CSV - last away teaching for the year

Group: The Calligraphy Society of Victoria
Place: Melbourne Victoria AUSTRALIA
Date: this past weekend November 2015
Theme: Purely Pencils - a two-day workshop

It is always rewarding to see the what class participants create by the end of a workshop. This class was no exception. Unfortunately many of my photos were blurred, which is unlike me, so I can't show a full representation of the group, what I can show are these excellent results.


It is the nature of the pencil, be it H, B or other to demand a slow and consistent amount of time and effort to create little finished works. Most of the work here therefore, is unfinished.

This exercise is called from Nature to Paper. It is an exercise I developed to show people how easy it is to create a colour scheme from a small snippet from the garden. People are astounded just how many colours, tints and shades can be found in just one small plant. But, the beauty is, it works!

Here we have used the letterforms of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the simple design backgrounds of both his and the painting-to-the-line technique of Adolf Bernd.


My unpainted grevillea demonstration

These simple little graphic design exercises
are for trialing different pencil media such as water-soluble graphite,
watercolours, graphitint, inktense etc.

Thank you CSV for the invitation to teach this enjoyable workshop for your group and thank you to the creative participants:

Kate Adderley
Patricia Barth
Glenice Burn
Margaret Burgess
Susan Byrdy
Moya Carroll
Eve Cazalet
Lisa Churchward
Sally Diserio
Lyn Hope
Bev May
Janine Mitchell
Diana Prewett
Liz Sansom
Adeline Tijo
Murray Vagg
Rhonda Walker
Lorraine Watt

A night out with friends. My hostess Liz Sansom & Lyne DeLuca.  

The weekend was tinged with incredible sadness and shock of terrorist attacks in Paris, the second time this year, outrageous!  From someone who travels a good deal and in my sixtieth year, I shan't shy away from future travel to share and enjoy my passion for letters.  These criminals - not only those who pulled the triggers but their lunatic supporters - will be defeated and I shall continue to stand in support of, and solidarity for, democracy, equality and freedom.


kate adderley said…
Hi Gemma, what a wonderful display of all our works, thank-you again for the most amazing 2 days, l really did learn so much and it was so nice to be among a group of talented ladies and Murray, who also have inspired me with their works of art, hope to see you again in another workshop some time in the Future, it really was great to meet you, hopefully you can now sit back and have a well deserved rest with a nice cup of tea, that has caffine - lol
Gemma Black said…
Hello Kate, it was so lovely to meet you, what a talent you are! I am back into it tomorrow with Purely Pencils Plus writing on gold with pencils through to an underlay of pencil wash beneath then pencil on gesso! My last workshop for 2015. :-)

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