Purely Pencils Plus

Hello there! Today was the final day in my workshop teaching calendar for 2015. I am delighted that the final workshop for the year was with the talented and lovely group Stitching & Beyond. There were sixteen enthusiastic pencil workers in this group. They are not calligraphers but enjoyed a little text instruction! Purely Pencils Plus We worked pencils into smooth gesso and textured gesso. We worked pencils under gold leaf. We enjoyed graffito into gold leaf with pencils . In our downtime ... twiddling thumbs time ... we worked the mandala, emptying our minds, relaxing and just enjoying the pencil process. What a marvelous array of works created by this lovely group of local Tasmanians. Thank you Stitching & Beyond & Chris Hussey for organising my workshops and for having me join you as tutor for the third time in twelve months ... wow! Here is a sampler only of the two days (one or two are my demos). ...