The last of Sydney ...

This was a total surprise but I was delighted to be included in the Inspiring Australians book
by Penelope Hanley.  I look so young!

 I am always excited about sweet spots on the pavement
especially if they have lettering. This one at Circular Quay.

Demonstrations on my recent trip to Sydney.

 This one was one for Clementine, I didn't want to forget her.
All my demonstrations - the fast and the furious - were given away to adults and children alike
... they were very excited! I was supposed to demonstrate for one hour. Two hours later I was exhausted and ready for a relaxing trip to the NSW Fire, Search and Rescue demonstration.

 ... and this was because he threw water on the burning oil on the stove
when a lid would have done perfectly well!

 I read it in the City Extra! Australia's best.
We are very proud of family members & Henry Jones in Tasmania.

I think this guy sitting near me is a movie star! I used my zoom lens, what do you think?


kate adderley said…
WoW Gemma ,
Congrats on getting in the book, how old are you there, oops, maybe l should not ask, speaking about books, have you ever thought to write a Calligraphy book, with all the wonderful letters you teach, all those beautiful versals that you taught in Europe, and now you will have to include those amazing Gothic letters l just saw, Gothic is one of my Favourites, but l have never been taught to do it the way you wrote it for the demo, thats just another class you will have to come back and teach -lol

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