Correspondence in

It is amazing how one accumulates correspondence. This is the correspondence pile for the grand tour, dates 25th June - 4th September 2015.  I well know that one should always think twice about printing out emails etc. this pile however is after I thought twice!  I calculate this pile would be four times the height if I had have printed the lot.  I can barely imagine how many hours and hours have been spent on corresponding with contacts around the world all of whom I suspect are volunteers.  To them I say thank you. Without whom I would not be enjoying the privilege. Visit my website for the itinerary.


kate adderley said…
Hi Gemma, OMG, thank god for e-mails, and that you dont have to hand write your replies , and wow what a tour your going on, have a great and safe trip, l will look forward to up dates
Fiona Dempster said…
So happy to know we can follow this amazing odyssey on your blog - your photos, your thoughts, your reflections - it will be fabulous to vicariously accompany this image as well - edges of paper yum!

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