Schreibwerkstatt-Klingspor Maria & Karlgeorg Hoefer Museum

I found calligraphers heaven! It is right here at the Schreibwerkstatt-Klingspor Museum in Offenbach am Main. I didn't find it on my own of course. When I flew into Frankfurt yesterday I was met by the lovely Christina Brunella who took care of me after my long long flights. Christine drove me to her home where I had a long awaited shower, some beautiful breakfast of fresh fruit and croissants in her luscious and abundant walled garden. I felt refreshed and ready to take on the day. Vielen dank Christine. Then my day turned to wonderment. For calligraphers this museum is an absolute must see. I stood for hours and admired German and international calligrapher's work that I haven't had the opportunity to see as originals or editioned other than in books. The collection holds pieces by Hermann Kilian, Rudolf Koch, Maria Hoefer, Karlgeorg Hoefer, Katharina Pieper, Jean Larcher, Susanne Moore, Gudren & Hermann Zapf, Gottfri...