Pencils Workshops ASC & CCS

Just recently I taught two workshops on Purely Pencils II.
One in Sydney for the Australian Society of Calligraphers and the Canberra Calligraphy Society.

Here is a selection of photos from both of those workshops:

     My in-class demonstration.

My morning walk

It is always a pleasure to teach for the Australian Society of Calligraphers as well as visit Sydney
my hometown on 19 years.

The venue Primrose Park sits in tranquil setting down on the harbour edge at Cremorne.

The following exercise is called "From Nature to Paper"
Using watercolour pencils to choose, as well as mix and match, the colour depicted in the flowers. 

As the class skill level varied I chose Charles Rennie Mackintosh
letterforms to use depicting the initial letter of the name of the flower. 
The class enjoyed this project tremendously.

Sadly I did not have my camera for day two of the ASC workshop
but I can assure you lovely work was done on their canvas and calico.

Canberra Calligraphy Society

I was delighted to be welcomed back to my home of thirty three years by my Canberra calligraphy friends.
Here I am stepping out with a couple of unlikely ex-prime minister gentlemen John Curtin & Ben Chifley.
Sculptor Peter Corlett.

Urambi Village has been the CCS home for many many years
hosting talented local, interstate and international guest tutors.

It was Floriade time of year. 

This was my quickly created offering for the workshop book. A requirement ask of each and even tutor.

Thank you everyone for you participation in the classes and thank you for your permission to use your images.  
Thank you also to two of the most organised workshop coordinators Shas Baker of ASC and Christine Wilde of CCS.


kate adderley said…
Hi Gemma, what a wonderful collection of art works from everyone, and loved all the travel posts as well, what a delight to be with all those beautiful calligraphers in Texas, would have loved to do a pointed pen workshop with Barbara .C, she is the bomb to watch on her you tube clips, enjoyed looking at all your pics..........kate
Gemma Black said…
Hi Kate,

Thanks for your lovely comments. The classes were both proficient and prolific. Glad you have enjoyed the travel posts as well.

I have been asked to teach the first workshop Purely Pencils in Melbourne on the CSV calendar but a date has not been fixed yet. So keep an eye out for it.

Barb Close is a great friend. If you ever get to do a class with her you will love it. x g
Cathy Sayer said…
Hello Gemma, thank you for a great workshop,I've posted on my blog about day one - Cathy S.

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