The Humble Bookmark

I loved joining in this bookmark collaborative/competition for the Buderim Craft Cottage. For such a humble object to create I had so much fun ... and a tiny frustration getting the books down to size to fit the width. But, I got there in the end.

I love books, reading and bookshelves so I took some shots of my own shelves and transferred one of the images to the paper. I have fallen in love with piercing (paper) so I chose an early Roman mosaic design at the time the codex was first created to pierce. The verso sees one of my many book quotes created using my favourite graphite tool the Rotring 0.35

This little labour of love managed to win 3rd prize. Yippee! Congrats to Susan Bradshaw for her 1st and to Anna Day for 2nd.  Well done to all the Highly Commendeds too!

The Materials

300gsm watercolour paper (not)
Image transfer & piercings
Graphite pencil Rotring 0.35
Linen thread & paper bead


CJ Kennedy said…
Congrats!I love it, Gemma!
Gemma Black said…
Thanks CJ ... it really is quite a sweet little thing. I am thinking that the Buderim group keeps them as a collection to use when demonstrating & exhibiting. x
susan bowers said…
Love your bookmark Gemma. Going through a piercing stage myself! Did you seeFiona's and my collaborative book in tracemarks? Lotsof piercing ..... Did you receive my email afewquiet weeks ago? Think I may have sent it to an old address.
Gemma Black said…
I did see your work Susan, lovely! Thank you for your kind words. You will have had my email by now. x

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