Nib sculpture
Pen Nibs, Sculpture by Anne Neil 2005
Can you believe these nibs!! I was excited when my host Barb King, who was looking after me for my recent versals workshop for the Calligraphers Guild of WA, said I must see these nibs. Barb was right! This nib sculpture is in Barrack Street at one of the entrances to the Supreme Court gardens. There was no plaque to tell me the sculptor, nor it's name. It may well be "somewhere" on the work. Makers ... please insist on leaving your mark!
I have done a little search and have come up with a couple of explanations to their significence. One is that scriveners worked nearby at the courts for the past two centuries ... but another says they have nothing to do with the courts at all and that they are related to the gardens and were a tribute to the far-sighted planners who established the gardens over a century and a half ago.
I took these photos obviously in the evening, lit up, as well as in daylight.
Thanks Barb! More on the workshop soon.
They are lovely aren't they? We came across them in 2009 and from the public sculpture map they are called "Memory Markers" and inspired by the writing down of the history of Stirling Gardens - Perth's first botanical gardens.
Here is my post on them:
Maggie in Maine just wrote in with this link:
Fantastic. Now I can see all the wonderful Perth CBD sculptures I managed to see in my short time there as well it gives us a date 2005 and a maker, Anne Neil!
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