
Trinkets ...

  It was a very special occasion to host friends from the Canberra Calligraphy Society at our home for a talk about, and show the body of work, “The Boats of Humanity” before it moves offshore to Stanford University Library. It was such a lovely day as we all talked things poignant, the importance of words and their presentation. Plus sharing insights into the script and the tools and materials used. Such fun! They all took home a “Boats” trinket. 🕊️☮️ 

Three little pieces ...

From the recent Canberra Calligraphy Society exhibition 2024: three little pieces  

Time out ... and time out!

  Malua Bay June 2024 Do not be fooled it was bitterly cold on the beach today! Pam, Reta and I set off to the south coast to catch up with Ellen and Alan but both were so unwell we didn't get to see them. So, what do three friends do, we go for coffee at Mossy Point and shopping to Moruya and Narooma. We spent one full day at Mogo, visiting every shop, nook & cranny. The highlight was Amanda's art & craft emporium and lunch at Grumpy & Sweethearts!  Dinner at Raymonds, the Malua Club and on our third night we indulged in pizza! The car went very well. Smooth and low on the mountain bends and a dream on the long country highway. We powered up again at the Super Charger in Narooma. Forty-five minutes from 53% to 100% ... while we shopped.  No worries! Today I deactivated (not deleted) my Facebook account. I have wanted to do this for quite some time. I find that many of the posts thereon, no longer resonate with me. I am not finding common ground. The proliferation

A short excerpt ...

  ... from today's journal entry I would like to share this paragraph: "And on that point of feeling blessed, I do feel blessed not in a religious sense but in a secular way of being fortunate. Faith, I believe comes in secular forms as well as religious. Belonging to community. Community that is already with us … all around us. And it is free, you don’t have to “join up” you just have to be brave and reach out. It all starts with two people having conversations and moving on proactively from there … three people, four people … more." And though presently my health is still under par the rheumatologist and I have a plan which is a huge step in the right direction. So, how about I share this very green photo of one of my regular smoothies. The ingredients here are: kale, apple, orange, hemp gold protein powder & mint. Mint is so underrated and gives the most heavenly taste to many recipes.

The bluebottle ...

... it is a beautiful and dangerous thing! But ... once stung you will never forget the burning sensation that made you cry, scream and run up and down the beach. WHAAAAAAA!  As a child though, one got to know the nature of the beast ... such a little thing ... that sting. Just like the jack jumper ants in Tasmania, the remedy is not far away.  I noticed this bluebottle on Malua Bay beach, Yuin Country yesterday. If I had have encountered it in the water I may be telling a different story. As children we would be warned to watch out for bluebottles and on occasion we would be stung. The pain is immediate. The remedy: grab a handful of wet sand and rub the sand very hard and roughly into the raging red marks left by the long stinger tentacle. It was dreadful when they wrapped around your legs in the water ... you had to get out and get the sand to rub at the tentacles and get them off. Sometimes you could kick the tentacles off in the water but you had to be very careful.  I am glad I h

And so we move forward ... lessons learned ... walk away

Yuin Nation country, Malua Bay, NSW   I must say the ellipsis, the ... (dot dot dot) ... punctuation mark is one I tend to use quite a lot. People have different reasons for using it but I use it for two. One, it acts like a thought pause similar to when you're speaking and you look up to some unknown point, waiting for inspiration. I also use the ellipsis as a way to omit an unspoken word or phrase. It comes from the Ancient Greek:  ἔλλειψις ,  élleipsis  meaning 'leave out'. I am enjoying our time away at the coast. Malua Bay is a beautiful area and to walk the beaches and drink good coffee, have time to relax a little and heal. I say "heal" in the way of healing both my physical condition which at the moment is the poly myalgia rheumatica mentioned in a precious entry as well as the mental difficulties and disappointments I have been experiencing lately. Many of which I have carried for a long time. The past eighteen months has been an interesting one. As you a

Do not look away ...

Pieces of Peace "As individuals we cannot possibly take on the pain of the world, but we must bear witness to it. Our work here is to tell the story of our time for future generations. Atrocities beget atrocities, life is cyclical. And, as many more famous a person has said before me when will we ever learn. Surely if we stand up and show up and write about it and make meaningful things these will help us all. There are better, kinder humans in the world than this. Surely at the very least, can’t we disagree agreeably starting within our own community." GB