Time out ... and time out!


Malua Bay June 2024

Do not be fooled it was bitterly cold on the beach today! Pam, Reta and I set off to the south coast to catch up with Ellen and Alan but both were so unwell we didn't get to see them. So, what do three friends do, we go for coffee at Mossy Point and shopping to Moruya and Narooma. We spent one full day at Mogo, visiting every shop, nook & cranny. The highlight was Amanda's art & craft emporium and lunch at Grumpy & Sweethearts!  Dinner at Raymonds, the Malua Club and on our third night we indulged in pizza!

The car went very well. Smooth and low on the mountain bends and a dream on the long country highway. We powered up again at the Super Charger in Narooma. Forty-five minutes from 53% to 100% ... while we shopped.  No worries!

Today I deactivated (not deleted) my Facebook account. I have wanted to do this for quite some time. I find that many of the posts thereon, no longer resonate with me. I am not finding common ground. The proliferation of adds rankle me and the unsolicited messages are truly annoying. So, no more scrolling for me but I will miss the real and genuine connections. My Instagram account remains and acts as a great visual network with friends and colleagues as well as my Messenger account. Anyone who would like may still contact me. I hope stepping away from FB improves the health of my mind. 

I am still unwell with the PMR and in fact I am not progressing on to a good place just yet. Walking is my only exercise at present and on these super cold and crisp Canberra mornings I try a little walk each day slightly undulating and sometime flat. Around about the 10,000 step mark. The absolute best thing though is I am very able to enjoy studio work so all is not lost. And again, with all my previous Government work and more coming back to my studio, I am simply delighted. 

And of course, there is pure enjoyment watching the kiddies sport!


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