AGM Farewell Fare-forward

Today I stood down from the presidency of the Kingborough Womens Club. The group is the umbrella organisation that runs and looks after the Club House for women of all ages. Started just under fifty years ago to encourage women new to the Kingston, Tasmania area to meet, find company and share friendships. Each member is a remarkable woman in her own way, open, honest and collegiate.

Each day of the week sees a different activity including craft, mahjong, fit ball & scrabble. Thursday has been our day for the past five years and we have enjoyed many wonderful activities made strong friendships.  We call ourselves LARS the Lettering and Arts Group and we call our meeting house the "Shed".

The AGM saw my formal stand down and farewell by all the group representatives. I cried of course ... quite a bit ... and I could see in each person's face their full understanding where I was coming from. Huge support and flowers were presented. I wish the Club continued joy & success and long may they enjoy the company of like-minded friends.  I will miss them all terribly!


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