It's Lecture month!



Detail from the arrest of Christ with stunning lettering & ornamentation.

Such intricate design and powerful imagery.


October 2021 is lecture month for me. I am privileged to be invited to present lectures on the Book of Kells for the Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society (ADFAS) Queensland. ADFAS Byron Bay is also included in the Queensland circuit of lectures and why not! Due to our covid-19 restrictions with border controls all the lectures are presented by live-streaming.  Live-streaming has it's drawback of course but we have managed to iron out most of the difficulties to every ones satisfaction. I was particularly looking forward to traveling north into the warmth but alas I remain here in the studio in all my upper-body presentation regalia along with my jeans and comfortable flat leathers.

So far I have presented to ADFAS Byron, Brisbane (twice), Brisbane River & Noosa with Toowoomba, Rocky & Cairns to come. Fortunately I love my subject matter.




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