Winding down ...



With one more class to go for 2020 I am starting to wind down a little from an amazing seven month teaching schedule that started up due to pandemic living. I could never have imagined my creative life would change so much and for the better.

Life has changed on several fronts but mostly in my teaching, creating art, creative writing and writing articles etc. Most of all I am very happy and very fortunate. I know not everyone is feeling these emotions right now. I hope to address these issues soon here in my blog because I feel if I write it all here it will give me some perspective I think, even if no-one ever reads it, I'd still like to write. 

For now though I am exhausted and tired after spending a few days answering emails as the classes start to finish one by one.  I am looking forward to a quieter December writing a new program for Acorn Arts and brushing up the existing one Foundational Hand. I will also be working on technique classes for Calligraphy Italia. This will include lots of filming and writing.

I am also thrilled that our borders have opened to the rest of the Australian states and territories and I can visit at last with those two little grown-ups up north in January.

In the meantime I'll share this little piece that I did as an exercise for my latest class introducing the works of Hermann Kilian (German script artist) more widely.


Curiosity leads to learning ...


Rum Tan said…
Your reflections on winding down and embracing the quieter moments are truly inspiring, especially for those of us involved in Online Tuition. It's a gentle reminder of the importance of pacing ourselves and finding peace in the slower parts of our journey. Beautifully written and deeply resonant.

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