Workshop & Classes updates


All international workshops and now Australian workshops
have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic but ...

zoom zoom zoom is a happening thing!

P R I V A T E    L E S S O N S


Enquiries welcome!

Gemma offers one-on-one, personal lessons to discerning students of calligraphy anywhere in the world. This guidance is specifically designed to help students further their existing lettering skills or for them to learn a completely new hand.


Gemma is not only a skilled calligrapher and artist, but also a highly respected tutor nationally and internationally. Gemma is now pleased to offer personal instruction designed specifically to the interest and level of the individual student. Full handouts are provided for each lesson.


This offer takes the form of four by one-hour lessons at one lesson per week. Once payment has been confirmed through PayPal Gemma will set up the best time for lessons according to various time zones around the world. Consultation regarding the specifics of what the student would like to study will take place before the first lesson so that time will not be wasted during the first hour. Each lesson will be specifically tailored to the student’s skill level and to what they would like to achieve. Lessons are offered via Zoom and an invitation to join the session will be sent ahead of time. If you are not familiar with Zoom, Gemma is, so she will help you every step of the way.


The cost is $400 AUD per four hours. Please email Gemma to discuss your needs.

2020 W O R K S H O P S
presented online
Please check your world time zone for attendance at each class,
all classes however, are recorded  for participants convenience.

SGRAFFITO gold leaf, colour & lettering
11th September 2020
Calligraphy Italia

Registrations are open, please click on the organising group.

ampersands and other ligatures
start date 7th September  2020
Ardington Academy Live Plus
a  four-week live series workshop
Bookings are open please click on the organising group.

Oh No!
Sold out, so sorry if you have missed it but thank you for trying!
Enquire about the cancellation list with the organising group.


October  2020
Acorn Arts
a  series workshop of four to six weeks with a private forum  and individual critiquing.
Please enquire by clicking on the organising group .

start date 12th October  2020
Ardington Academy Live Plus
a  four-week live series workshop
Bookings are open please click on the organising group.

Oh No!
Sold out, so sorry if you have missed it but thank you for trying!
Enquire about the cancellation list with the organising group.


let's take a look
start date 9th November 2020
Ardington Academy Live Plus
a  four-week live series workshop
Bookings are open please click on the organising group.

Oh No!
Sold out, so sorry if you have missed it but thank you for trying!
Enquire about the cancellation list with the organising group.



Megan R said…
Sadly (for me) the Kilian workshop is already sold out. I did manage to get the last place on the versals workshop though.
Gemma Black said…
Thanks for trying Megan. I'll see you in the Versals workshop though. x g

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