Retro deco & the ASC

Home of the Australian Society of Calligraphers at Primrose Park, Cremorne, Sydney.
This venue holds a very special place in my heart. Not only a place where I go to to teach from time to time but where I have been to so many times before as a student. It is for me a place of learning, camaraderie and not least of all friendship. 

Baskets of flowers greet you upon arrival.

The workshop held on the weekend just past was a look back to the art deco lettering of the early 1900's with a focus on Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret MacDonald design. We also touched on the Art Nouveau.

These are some images from only some of the work created by the group. I tried to allow the participants time to get their works completed but I emphasised not to rush. I wanted to introduce a number of Deco elements to the workshop so I did ask them to move on. They did well to work to my time frame and the results were such that they experienced more. There will be time aplenty for after class experiments and work. 

Pure enjoyment!


My in-class demonstration.

Work by Barb.

Work by Meg.

Work by Meg.

My in-class demonstration.

Meg & Susan

Unfinished by Barb

Unfinished by Shas.

 Collective works.

Collective works.


Anonymous said…
There are no such days. :D

I thought of you when I saw these:
Gemma Black said…
Thank you Limner, I hadn't seen these but I do know Chavelli. We met last year in North Carolina. They are delightful & gorgeous.
Annick said…
Lovely works you and your students made! Very colourful too !

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