Revelations of Divine Love

I am quietly excited with this little treasure that has just arrived from the Folio Society, London.
The Head of the Art Department commissioned me to design the cover of their just published
Revelations of Divine Love - Julian of Norwich.
I feel privileged to have been asked and I am happy with the result.
I am confident I have captured the spirit of Julian's writing in the cover and book design.

It is truly a divine little book. I hope you enjoy it.

Cover & Spine.

Ornate initials throughout the text ... and there are a lot of them!
I created different designs of the same letter so they would be varied and not the same throughout.
Here are just some of them.


Fiona Dempster said…
Stunning Gemma - a truly precious commission and one to hold dear. My favourite Julian quote; “All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.”
Gemma Black said…
Thank you Fiona, I felt a strong allegiance with work, or perhaps it was Julian herself. A strong spiritual connection. Strange for me.
Fiona Dempster said…
How intriguing...I always think we should listen when those moment happen...
My mum loved Julian and so Julian has been in and out of my life over the years. You have done a really special thing here.
Claire said…
Wow! Julian's been a favourite ever since I studied her in college many moons ago :) I always wear a bangle with her 'All shall be well...' quote. Do you know when the book will be available - it's not on the Folio Society website?

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