Tour U. S. 2016 - the night before

My bags are packed and I shall be on my way to the airport at 4.45am tomorrow morning.  This is the start of my four week trip away to the US.  Fingers crossed all goes well and that the travel is boring and uneventful leaving me plenty of time to … ahhhhh … read. Apart from lettering, reading is my greatest pleasure.

I will have wifi pretty much everywhere I go so please feel free to drop me a line with updates.  I hope to keep this weblog a happening thing, so you can travel with me (if you like) and enjoy the calligraphic encounters and adventures.  I am really looking forward to my workshops in the US starting out in Washington with a few days of R&R with Shelia Waters. We plan to delve into all this Shelia and Peter Waters and I look forward to reading the newly published book Waters Rising. It is the story of Peter Waters' program to save the manuscripts after the 1966 Florence floods. Can't wait!

In brief, I stay in Washington for the coming week running a full-on versal workshop for the Washington Calligraphers Guild.  Then I head to New Mexico to run another workshop of contemporary versals at Ghost Ranch.  Here I plan to delve into all things Georgia O'Keeffe and enjoy the wonderful ambience of being out in the desert with the special atmosphere that is only know as Ghost Ranch.  To finish up this short tour, as opposed to the Grand Tour of 2015, I jump across to North Carolina to run a program on the beauty & elegance of the Italian hand of Bennardino Cataneo for the lettering arts conference A Show of Hands.

So for now, it is dinner out with the Oboe Player then an early night's sleep.

Go well friends ...


ronnie said…
have fun! looking forward to following your updates xxxxxx
CJ Kennedy said…
I'll look forward to following your adventures. Safe travels

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