Grampians Brushes ...

...   just a little advertising!

is an extraordinary opportunity to work with wonderful leading Australian Tutors in a range of mediums including watercolour, oils, acrylic, pastel, print making, and mixed media."

I am delighted to be included in the faculty for this fabulous
get away from it all creative fusion
Here are some samples of the types of experimenting and colour and gold,
participants will be experiencing in my classes.

If you would like some further information just ask.
I am more than happy to answer all your questions. 

 Just some of the tools to be used ... let's take a closer look ...

Yes, that is an oboe reed ... oh and yes that is a hypodermic needle!

Experimental ... as well as colour!


 Experimental tools class.

 Experimental tools class.

 Experimental tools class.

 Gold works! An in-class sample.

Participant Jenny's work in Colour & Gold.

The colour & gold class, participant Karina's work.


ronnie said…
welllll that certainly looks like fun (I hope the needles are used externally only :P )

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