Making good use of time

Time is quiet on the commission front so I thought I would use this time to work on some more sample pieces for my workshop in Dallas Fort Worth, Texas next week at Legacies II.  It will give the participants more of an idea of where we are heading.  I hope you like them, my more formal and my more vivacious versals!

This last one is from my workbook,
it was an in-class demonstration to show participants how these letters were created but do not copy the wording it is inaccurate.
I needed to fill some space so just wrote ashes to ashes.


Michelle said…
Absolutely lovely work Gemma!
CJ Kennedy said…
I wish I was able to take your class at Legacies II. Have a great week!
Simply admirable.

Ferdinandus, d.s.
Gemma Black said…
Michelle, CJ & Ferdinandus,

Thank you for your kind comments.

CJ it would be just lovely to see you. :-)

x g
Fiona Dempster said…
Looking gorgeous Gemma - should be great workshop!
Gemma Black said…
Fiona, thank you. I hope so. I think I am ready! x g

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