Some things just take time ...

A few years ago I created a lovely little Christmas card using a painting to the line technique inspired by Adolf Bernd's work. I have not used the technique since then but was teaching this method at the recent summer school.  You may have seen a snippet of this before.

Lilium et Rosa

I started this little work as an in-class demonstration and now I have finally finished it.

Lilium et Rosa (detail)

Also a couple of weeks ago I finished this work to be sent to Europe for a competition.
The theme of the competition is The Great War 1914 - 1918. Understandably, I concentrated on the ANZACS.

I have decided not to send it for a couple of reasons. 
To send this framed piece to Europe is approximately $250.  So what with the framing costs,
the cost to send to Europe, possibly the cost to send the work back, plus the entry fee,
I have had to say to myself, enough, it just isn't going to happen.
I got a quote through Pack & Send and also checked with Australia Post insured to Europe.
The competition has a nice prize purse but you must be in attendance on the opening night
to actually claim it - a little difficult from Australia.
Not that I would expect to win mind you but the kudos of winning,
the organisers told me, was more than one would want, surely.  Ha!

 Lest We Forget

 Lest We Forget (detail)

 I just love the way the watercolour behaves on this Hahnemuehle paper.
It is a lovely work and I am glad I have done it and that for me is what counts.


Fiona Dempster said…
These are both so beautiful Gemma - I love the painting to the line style…my wobbly hand would make a mess of it probably; but I do love it so! Sorry to hear about the costs of sending to 14-18; I am working on a book to enter into it and hope the costs don't spiral beyond belief...
Gemma Black said…
Thanks Fi. Good luck with the book I know it won't cost hardly anything compared to a framed work. :-) x g
Oh wow! your work is beautiful.I learnt something new too wasn't aware of Adolf Bernd. Maybe there will a competition closer home you could enter your work it.
Unknown said…
Wow they are lovely,I've always loved the Adolf Bernd letters and this is an inspired use of the technique.
Susan Marks
envious amateur calligrapher from North Yorkshire !
Gemma Black said…
Thanks Maya, What I really enjoy most is just doing the work. I think it might go here or it might go there but often the satisfaction on completion is enough. Oh to win the lottery!

x g
Gemma Black said…
Hello Susan, thanks for your comments. These take a huge amount of time but are very rewarding when completed even the really small ones. There is something special about watercolour and fine paper.

I will be headed your way in the summer of 2015. I'll let you know the schedule once it has been tweaked.

x g
Lyndell Dobbs said…
Wow Gemma. This is just so beautiful. As is all of your work. I love the lettering and like Susan I am very envious. Just lovely.
Gemma Black said…
Thank you Lyndell, you are too kind. I "do" love doing these.

Looking forward to my Canberra workshop where I will incorporate this "painting to the line" as well. I'm madly working on more samples already!

x g

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