Trinkets for the punters

Trinkets for the punters:  on Saturday 19th we will enjoy the fruits of the summer school participants labours. The visual art classes will converge around the Hub at USQ for the final exhibition.  The calligraphy group is working feverishly on their “small objects of desire” and this is a little project I have given them to add to the brightness of the calligraphy exhibition.

I purchased an inordinate number of these little tags (2” x 1”) from Office Works. The students are charged with coming up with decorative grounds and affirmations, or what ever they wish. These message-tags will be scattered around and the visitors will be able to take them away with them as a sample of calligraphy and a sweet message.

Here are some of mine but I have many more to do yet and add the string.

This ten-day summer school is held every year at the University of Southern Queensland McGregor College. At 3.15pm the school finishes with the whole ss orchestra playing Tchaikovsky 1812 overture.  It is a hoot!



Fiona Dempster said…
Love them Gemma - and love the peace ones the most. Giving, sharing peace...what could be better? Beautiful!
ronnie said…
what a delicious idea xx

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