Botanical & Natural History Artist - Leonie Norton

If you have a moment, pop into my friend Leonie Norton's blog.

Leonie's blog will take you on a journey of botanical and natural history subjects in the most exquisite watercolours. She also runs holiday sketching tours. 
I loved Leonie's book "Women of Flowers - botanical art in Australia from 1830's to 1960's" I read all the essays in one evening sitting up in bed. And I like to refer to it every now and then.

Leonie and I have often taught at Sturt Australian Contemporary Craft & Design summer & winter schools, where we first met.



ronnie said…
thanks for sharing the link - I had no idea leonie had a blog! what a lovely lady she is
Gemma Black said…
absolutely Ronnie. Love her work and her gentle nature!

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