Recent works

 These are just a couple of the works I'll be taking with me to the Calligraphy Northwest Conference in Portland Oregon for sale on market night. I fly out tomorrow and home July 6.

All of these works are 1/4 size a full sheet Arches hot press 300gsm.  Media includes watercolours, pigmented inks, gesso, graphite & pen-white.

Recently I have been revisiting an earlier series of work called "Index of First Lines".  These are all first lines of well known novels. The titles are all on the back :-)

In 2013 I'll be holding a solo exhibition "Index of first Lines".


Elaine said…
An absolutely beautiful collecttion of work! Congratulations.
Gemma Black said…
Thank you Elaine! I have made it across the big pond and have conducted the first of two workshops, the "All that is gold" 2 day class. Amongst other supplies I took a couple of bottles of miniatum an it was a real hit ... thanks to you, thank you!

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