A day not quite on the water ...

Cousins and kin, Alex & Netta McLaren
Kettering Marina, Tasmania

I am a MacLaren on my mother's side, note the difference in the Mac's? This particular MacLaren family (I'll spell it my way :-) was so large and quite a diverse group of relations, that on coming to Australia generations ago, some chose to use the original Mac spelling and others the truncated Mc form. It doen't really matter which Mac any of us use as the real name of our family goes back to Celtic Balquidder of the 13th century with the Gaelic name MacLabhruinn.

Over lunch we watched yatchs come and go as well as the Mirambeena, the Bruny Island ferry with it's cargo of passengers, cars and trucks. Lunch was lovely at the Mermaid Cafe.

And rightly so!


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